指导 Program: Application Deadline

获得你需要的支持! ATA’s 指导 Program offers matching services to members at different stages in their career. Mentees and mentors benefit from this mutually rewarding program. Applications are accepted from January 1 through March 31. The program runs from May 1 through October 31 each year. Mentees will be selected through a competitive…

事件 highlighted in blue are offered by the bwin国际app or ATA 分歧.
事件 highlighted in gray are offered by ATA Chapters, ATA子公司, 或其他经批准的非ata组织.

作为对会员的服务, ATA includes events organized by non-profit associations and institutions that serve the translation and interpreting community. Inclusion does not imply affiliation with or endorsement by ATA. 不需要ATA会员资格.

If you know of an event that other translators and interpreters should know about, 请通过电子邮件发送活动名称, 组织集团, 网站, 及联络资料,电邮至ATA calendarevents@pakata.net.
